Friday, June 2, 2017

Why you probably don't have a time management problem...

   First off, I'd like to thank Paula from over at Coastal Conservatory for bringing this to my attention.  Head over to her video on Facebook to hear her very wise words on the subject.

   I have to agree with her. I really think most of us do not have a time management problem.  Now I'm not saying that most of us are organized, or that we get everything done on our to-do lists, or that we don't all wish for a few more hours in the day.  But ask yourself - what would you do with those hours?  Would you wash more dishes?  Work more hours?  Or would you really just want a little more rest?  Given the choice I think most would say more rest, right?  No, my friends, we do not have a time management problem.

    I'll tell you what we do have, though (as Paula pointed out.) We have an energy management problem.  Isn't it just so true?  I can get a lot done in 20 minutes when I have the motivation.  I only have an hour to get my house clean for company? No problem!  But without that motivation...ugh.  I know its not the right way to look at it, but it is so true.

     Now, I think there are three different kinds of "energy mismanagement."  And each has it's own set of solutions.  The first is just plain having too much to do.  Now I don't just mean the feeling of having too much to do, I mean actually overbooking yourself.  If you are so busy that you have to time everything perfectly so as to not be late for your next activity, and no time to sleep it might be time to cut something out.  Do you (or your darling offspring) really need to take that painting class this month?  Or can it wait until tap is over?  Is there someone else who can manage the church bake sale?  After all, you are all ready in charge of the spring social AND you are teaching 3rd grade religious ed.  No dear, it really isn't as easy baking 12 dozen cookies as it is baking 2.  Slow down!  Delegate!  Learn to say no!  Once that is done, make sure you don't fall into category two or three.

      The second kind of energy mismanagement isn't really mismanagement at all.  It is an energy shortage.  Maybe you are getting over the flu, or a surgery.  Maybe you just had a baby - or are working on it!  Maybe you've suffered a loss, or are going through some other stressful situation.  Or maybe you have a chronic illness that your body is constantly battling.  It's no wonder we don't have energy for everything outside - our bodies are too busy healing what's inside.  Whatever the reason, your "battery" doesn't charge like most peoples.  This is where I am right now, so I think that's why Paula's words hit me so hard. It was that spark that made me realize that maybe there is something I can do to make my household run more smoothly, and to actually accomplish things during the day, despite my low energy.  While my general tips (in my next post) will apply, I know it is going to take a lot more "working smarter not harder" to get to were I want to be.  That will be a post of it's own.

     "That's fine and good," you say, "but I know I'm not overbooked, and I'm not sick - I just can't get everything done!" This is probably where most people fall.  You know you should be able to get it all done, but how?  You look back on your day and wonder what you really did - and why it made you so exhausted.  Stay tuned for Part 2, where I hope you will find some good suggestions!

    I'd love to hear what you think of this idea!  Which category do you fall into?

I love this journal...

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