Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a quick stop before running to the next thing...

Wow!  Is it really the last day of July?  Insane.  Next comes August, then September, and I guess the Summer fades away.  Ah, but then comes fall, and I love fall…
I have a million and three things I'm trying to get done right now, hence the lack of blogging.  I'm trying to move out (out is next door, so that's not TOO hard, but takes time and lots of shuffling.) I'm trying to get another blog started on caring for the elderly in your home (something we did for 12 years.  Learned lots!)  I REALLY want to get a young adults group established somewhere in our area.  And I just took on arranging some children's activities for the church auction.  Oy!

Did I mention Sursum Corda is coming up?  If you are a young adult over the age of 18, and you think the Extraordinary form of the Mass is, well, Extraordinary, come join us! Here's the link: http://www.institute-christ-king.org/go/summer-camp/   In case you missed my post last year, here's a run-down: Sursum Corda Young Adults Camp
In short, it was an amazing experience.  It was a wonderful mix of prayer, excellent spiritual talks, and FUN!  Not to mention the great camaraderie.  Even though I only knew a handful of the attendees when I arrived, I don't think I ever felt like an outsider or out of place.  For me, that can be a little rare!  Oh, I guess there was one time I felt out of it - volleyball.  I really hate volleyball.  But other than that… :D So if this sounds like a good time, come join us!  Sign up today! Now! I'll see you there!

Let's see, I had a few other things I wanted to share.  Oh yes.  Here's a great post from The Catholic Young Woman blog: http://catholicyoungwoman.blogspot.com/2012/07/this-is-not-christs-work.html 

Well, I really must run!  Off to buy paint!

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