Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Butchering day...

Always a fun day, I must admit. Butchering day. This year we had 125 chickens to do, and I think it went pretty well. I shall spare you the bloody details, and instead treat you to a poem I wrote on the subject. Enjoy, if you can! ;) (Warning, this poem is not for the faint of heart.  It is a poem on the butchering of chickens.  This is a necessary activity, for those who eat meat.  If you are a vegetarian, please do not yell at me.  I completely disagree with your views, although you are free to hold them.  Our chickens led happy lives, eating and running around on fresh green grass.  Although many chickens died, none suffered. Thank you.)

Bloody Good Fun

The morning dew still shines on the grass
The roar of water filling steel basins
Still fills the air.
It is a day two months in the making.
Bloody good fun.

Our small pleasures For this day are ready.
Spirited coffee,
Dino, King George, and AJ
Crooning in the background.
Bloody good fun.

Iʼm good at what I do, and I enjoy it,
This once a year event.
Bloody good fun.

But now, as I sleep, it continues.
Ears strain for the sound of the choppers
Come to deny our rest.
Feet sore from the cold cement floor.
Nose still filled with the stench.
 Eyes weary from the endless focus;
One wrong cut and bitter green poison breaks
Or worse -- my own blood mixes with that on the table.
Bloody good fun.

My hands feel the most.
Their memory wakes me
As I drift off to sleep.
The feeling wonʼt leave,
The motion continues.
The scrape
The twist
The pull
The warm, oily, softness.
Iʼm good at what I do, and I enjoy it.
Bloody good fun.

A friend having her own "Bloody Good Fun"


  1. Oh dear!! That's funny! We kept a few garden chickens for a few years, when we discovered that three of our females were actually male our farmer friend came and took them for us in the earnest assurance that he was going to keep all three (as well as the rooster he already had) with his flock! I think he's still chuckling at my gullibility, I'll bet they didn't see sunset that day!

  2. Welcome to my blog, Jennifer! You know, those roosters may have lasted longer than you think - it's an awful mess just butchering a few birds! We've taken chickens from city friends, and they did last the summer, at least. One never knows!

  3. True! They're good friend's of ours but can a flock take FOUR roosters??!! The three we had were at each other all the time and they were barely more than chicks!! We ended
    Up giving the remaining three to my husbands brother who is a smallholder, we live in a residential area and they were just too noisy when they were planning to lay an egg early in the day.(I think they were a particularly noisy breed though) I miss them sometimes-I used to love watching them sunning themselves though they had our garden in a right state!! (they were free range lol)

  4. The chickens are fun to watch! I don't notice the noise of hens so much, but our roosters sure do get loud in the morning, and all day! We have more than one rooster around here, most times. I think last fall we butchered four with our eating chickens, and still had two or three left. Some breeds are more likely to fight than others. Also, I think it helps when there are a lot of hens -- less need to fight for attention, I suppose.
